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Background music for this podcast provided courtesy of the Charlie Hunter Trio and Ropeadope Records

Follow the links below to purchase this track!

Charlie Hunter Trio
Cueball Bobbin

A portion of the sales from this page will be used to pay for hosting fees. The Live Music Podcast thanks you in advance for your support!

You know it has been a long since you've done a podcast when you have to go back to your own site to find out the next episode number.  This is episode 69 of the Live Music Podcast.

Welcome back everyone and I'm glad you are joining me once again after so long.  It would be rude to not at least acknowledge the extended absence from the podcast world so lets go over that real quick.  If I had to pick one reason that I stopped and I'm sure this is true for any others who have pod faded is just a lack of time and energy to put into it.  This was compounded by some health issues that have since been put to bed and ultimately I just wasn't listening to as much live music recordings as I was did.  Sure there were a few occasionally that I would jot down for a potential future episode but nothing much came of those.  I also thought that if I did come back I could cut out a lot of the extra monotonous work that really wasn't all that necessary.  

So why am I back now.  Really it was just a what the hell I'm going to do a podcast moment.  Unfortunately this does not mean that I will be returning to regularly producing podcasts again like in the old days.  I just have too many other commitments that take precedence over this and in all likelihood it may be a 2-3 episodes a year kind of thing which is much more than I was doing.  There are at least a few new artists that I have my eye on podcasting, Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers definitely comes to mind.

As far as these other commitments a big part of that is starting a recipe and health blog at  Switching to the the Slow Carb diet was an enormous part of getting me out of my health funk and in that process I became very passionate about eat healthy and cooking.  So please check that out if you are interested.

In closing I want to thank you for understanding on the abrupt stoppage without explanation.  I got a few messages curious about if there were going to be new episodes but nothing negative so I appreciate that.

The music for this episode features a band that I have listened to more and more since the last podcast and although I don't usually like to pick favorites if you pressed I would have to say they currently are at the top of the list for me.  

This concert was recorded at the Firefly Festival in Dover, Delaware on July 22nd, 2012.  I hope you like it and please tell your friends to listen as I'm sure a lot of my original subscribers are long gone.  Special thanks goes out to the taper for making this show available and please support the Black Keys by purchasing albums and concert tickets. Looking forward to the next time friends, thanks for tuning in.

The Black Keys - Dover, Delaware - 7/22/12
Song Listing
01 Howlin' for You
02 Next Girl
03 Run Right Back
04 Same Old Thing
05 Dead and Gone
06 Gold on the Ceiling
07 Thickfreakness
08 Girl Is on My Mind
09 I'll Be Your Man
10 Your Touch
11 Little Black Submarines
12 Money Maker
13 Strange Times
14 Nova Baby
15 Ten Cent Pistol
16 Tighten Up
17 Lonely Boy
18 crowd applause
19 Everlasting Light
20 I Got Mine 
Direct download: livemusicpodcast_069.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:13am EST

Thanks for helping this podcast reach a major milestone!

Category:Other -- posted at: 11:30am EST

Welcome back, don’t call it a comeback, to the live music podcast episode 68.  It has been quite some time since the last show and without going into too many details it was a break that was needed but it is good to be back.  After such a long time is was going to take a very special concert to get me going again and I think that is what I have in store for you on this show.

The music I will be featuring is the first tribute concert to be featured on the livemusicpodcast and it will be a tough one to follow up on for any others.  I heard about a Michael Jackson tribute concert in April from a friend of mine and without knowing any of the bands involved thought it was a safe enough bet for a good time.  I didn’t have a lot to be worried about since there was plenty of buzz going around about the potential that this show would have given the collection of talented Kansas City musicians involved.  The main group organizing it was the experimental world-jazz band Diverse but rotating in throughout the night was an eclectic group of musicians from various backgrounds.  Its hard to truly appreciate the difficulty of pulling off a great MJ tribute show without descending into bad karaoke.  You really get the sense of the singing talent that MJ possessed when you see how many different singers it really takes to match his vocal range and also the number of instruments on stage to create the full sound that a lot of his songs require.  Seeing it firsthand these musicians from Kansas City were able to pull it off that night and I’m guessing MJ would have been very pleased.  The release of this episode marks the 2 year anniversary of his passing so hopefully he would be pleased by my humble tribute to the king of pop as well.  Please enjoy.

Michael Jackson Tribute - Kansas City, MO - 4/15/11

The Bands
The Good Foot
Hearts of Darkness
Bobby Watson

Song Listing
1) The Way You Make Me Feel
2) They Don't Really Care About Us
3) Human Nature
4) Bad
5) Never Can Say Goodbye
6) Thriller
7) Billie Jean
8) Earth Song
9) Rock With You
10) You Are Not Alone
11) Beat It

Bonus Song Listing
1) Black Or White
2) Man In the Mirror
3) I Can't Help It
4) Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough
5) The Girl Is Mine
6) Remember the Time
7) Rock With You

Off the Wall   The Essential Michael Jackson   Number Ones   More...
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Direct download: livemusicpodcast_068.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:49pm EST

I am very pleased to announce the Live Music Podcast Facebook page has surpassed the 100 mark.  Thanks to everyone for joining up and helping me reach this goal!  I am now one step closer to having more fans than the pickle.

I’ve been wanting to feature a White Stripes concert for some time but especially after I watched their recent concert documentary Under Great White Northern Lights.  If you have yet to see this I very highly recommend it.  The film follows Jack and Meg White on their tour across Canada, making a stop at every single province and territory.  There are lots of great behind the scenes footage included and the amazing live performances that you would expect so go rent or buy it now!

The concert that I will be featuring was captured on the grounds of the 2007 Bonnaroo Festival and will featuring many of the songs as in the movie since both occurred during the same year.  It’s amazing to me how they are able cram the large number of songs into this show and with very little filler.  This has to make it one of the most intense concerts as 2 people can ever hope to put together and so I give to you The White Stripes.

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The White Stripes - Manchester, TN - 6/17/07

Song Listing
1) Dead Leaves
2) When I Hear My Name
3) Icky Thump
4) Hotel Yorba
5) Jolene
6) Death Letter
7) Motherless Children
8) Do
9) Ball & Biscuit
10) Black Math
11) Rag & Bone
12) Blue Orchid
13) Party Of Special Things To Do
14) I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
15) We're Going To Be Friends
16) I'm a Martyr for My Love for You
17) Seven Nation Army


The White Stripes - Indianapolis, IN - 7/9/02

Bonus Song Listing
1) I Think I Smell A Rat
2) Lord, Send Me An Angel
3) Apple Blossom
4) Rated X
5) The Union Forever
6) Sister Do You Know My Name?
7) You're Pretty Good Looking (For A Girl)
8) Hello Operator
9) Love Sick
10) Astro
11) Jack The Ripper
12) Screwdriver

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Under Great White Northern Lights   Icky Thump   Elephant   More...
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Check out tour dates for The White Stripes here.


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_067.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:39pm EST

First off the Live Music Podcast Facebook fan count has increased its number to 96 and is incredibly close to my goal of 100 so thank you and welcome to the new fans.  With any luck by the next podcast it’ll be over that magic 100 number. 

With the timing of this episode it was pretty apparent to me that it was time to bring back an old favorite to the podcast.  Most of you are probably aware that Bonnaroo happens around this time of year and also that Jack Johnson has a new release recently out called ‘To The Sea’.  I thought it would be very fitting to feature his 2008 Bonnaroo recording which t features a tremendous set with amazing sound quality and even a guest appearance by Eddie Vedder.  Not sure what more one could ask for, hope you enjoy it!

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Jack Johnson - Manchester, TN - 6/14/08

Song Listing
1) All At Once
2) Better Together
3) Hope
4) Taylor
5) Flake
6) Sleep Through The Static
7) Staple It Together
8) Monsoon
9) Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
10) Constellations
11) Breakdown
12) Same Girl
13) Mother and Child Reunion >
14) Inaudible Melodies
15) If I Had Eyes

Animal Liberation Orchestra - Isla Vista, CA - 4/24/04

Bonus Song Listing
1) Isla Vista Song
2) Girl, I Wanna Lay You Down
3) Valentine's Day
4) Easy Like Sunday Morning

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

To The Sea   En Concert   Sleep Through The Static   More...
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Check out tour dates for the Jack Johnson here


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_066.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

I hadn't heard acoustic versions of any of OK Go's songs until seeing this, very cool.  I do miss the laser guitars a little bit though.

Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Here's a quick follow up video to the last podcast.  Enjoy!

Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

Real quick I want to bring attention to the Live Music Podcast Facebook Fan page where the total number of fans is now up to 92.  First off thanks to everyone already there, but I think it would be great to get that number over 100.  If you haven't joined or know someone that you think might please let them know.  To do this click the Like button on the Facebook gadget.

The featured artist for this edition of the Live Music Podcast is my favorite Canadian alternative-rock group of all time, the Barenaked Ladies.  There are some bands where the live show is basically a replaying of the recorded album on stage but with BNL you never know what you are going to get but you are guaranteed that it will be a fun time.  Throughout the bands history they have always brought a lot of improvisation and creativity to their live shows and a great example of this is their 1996 live release Rock Spectacle which is the album that really introduced me to their music.  The recording that I have for this show is approximately around the same era and was captured on July 31st, 1998 at Horde Fest in Holmdel, New Jersey. 

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Barenaked Ladies - Holmdel, NJ - 7/31/98

Song Listing
1) The Old Apartment
2) Never Is Enough
3) Its All Been Done
4) Hello City
5) More Than Words
6) I'll Be That Girl
7) Jane
8) One Week
9) Alchohol
10) Brian Wilson
11) If I Had $1,000,000

Yukon Kornelius - Killington, VT - 1/9/08

Bonus Song Listing
1) Don't Fear the Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult)
2) Low Rider/Word Up (War / Cameo)
3) Pinch Me (Barenaked Ladies)
4) We're Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sister)
5) Highway To Hell (AC/DC)

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Rock Spectacle   Gordon   All Their Greatest Hits   More...
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Check out tour dates for the Barenaked Ladies here.  A massive amount of live shows are also available in the Live Concert Downloads section there.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_065.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:08pm EST

Right now you can download the latest album from Backyard Tire Fire for only $5 on Amazon MP3.  That's a very high rock to cash ratio.
Category:Album Picks -- posted at: 11:08pm EST

I wish I could have gotten this posted earlier but better late than never.  Today at 5PM CST The Dead Weather will be performing their new album Sea of Cowards, streamed live via their MySpace page.  Should be interesting to say the least.

Also Sea of Cowards will be officially released on May 11th so mark that date on your calendars!

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
The Dead Weather - Horehound
  The Kills - Midnight Boom
  The Raconteurs - Consolers Of The Lonely   More...
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Check out tour dates for The Dead Weather here.
Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I want to start this episode by giving a big shout out to the developers of the Audacity project.  This is the software I use to put together this podcast and I just downloaded the latest version which includes a much improved Noise Removal utility.  Hopefully you will notice much clearer sounding intros and outros going forward!

The artist for this episode is no stranger to the Live Music Podcast and has probably been featured more than anyone else in one incarnation or another.  Of course, there is a very good reason for this since Ben Harper and the various musicians that he plays with have a reputation for excellent live performances.  If you have never seen one in person I highly recommend putting it on your bucket list.  The concert I am featuring might be one of the best sounding of his recordings and I have been very enthused to bring it to you ever since I recently discovered it.  Here are Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals from their May 22, 2003 concert in Berlin, Germany.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

 Ben Harper & the Innocent Criminals - Berlin, Germany - 5/22/03

Song Listing
1) Excuse Me Mr.
2) Brown Eyed Blues
3) Temporary Remedy
4) Sexual Healing
5) Waiting on an Angel
6) Walk Away
7) Blessed to Be a Witness
8) Like a King
9) I'll Rise

Bonus Song Listing
1) Welcome to the Cruel World
2) The Woman in You
3) Steal My Kisses
4) Diamonds on the Inside

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Live At Mars   Live in Japan   Live At Twist and Shout   More from Amazon...
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Check out tour dates for Ben Harper here.


Podcast #40: Ben Harper & the Relentless 7 - Asheville, NC - 12/13/08
Podcast #17: Ben Harper & the Innocent Criminals - Athens, GA - 03/01/00
Podcast #5: Bonnaroo Superjam - Manchester, TN - 06/16/07

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_064.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:51pm EST

Here's another excellent hour of music from ACL's video archives featuring Wilco.

Click on Jeff Tweedy's beard to watch the show!

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Wilco (The Album)   Kicking Television: Live in Chicago
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  More from Itunes...


Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

"Before I get into the music portion of the show I want to use this episode to officially announce the Live Music Podcast’s Youtube video channel. Some of you may have already noticed this down the left side of the home page but if you haven’t been there in a while I encourage you to check it out. It is especially fitting to make this announcement now because the featured band for this episode is also featured in one of the videos posted there.

You may have noticed that I typically feature a lot of rock bands on the Live Music Podcast but every now and then I like to switch it up. The Charlie Hunter Trio is clearly in the jazz genre but if that doesn't appeal to you, do not be quickly discouraged since they can rock out as well. Take for instance the song "Cueball Boppin'" which is actually playing as I speak and has been the background music for every episode since the beginning of this podcast. I personally don’t take in many jazz shows but when I saw these guys last February at the Blue Room in Kansas City, I was blown away. It was an especially cool experience seeing them play in a very small club with a respectful and appreciative crowd who gave their full attention the entire show. That doesn’t happen very often at a lot of the rock shows I go to, which isn’t to say I don’t still enjoy them but it was interesting to see the difference. Even the people working there were exceptionally polite and actually apologized to us because there was limited seating and we had to sit at the bar about 20 feet from the stage. If you get a chance to see the Charlie Hunter Trio live please do not miss it but if they’ve already been through your town then this recording will have to be a temporary substitute. The concert I am featuring was recorded at the Dakota Jazz Club in Minneapolis, MN on March 1st, 2010, just two days after the concert I saw in Kansas City. I now present to you Curtis Fowlkes on Trombone, Eric Kalb on Drums, and Charlie Hunter on 8 string guitar, also known as the Charlie Hunter Trio.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

 Charlie Hunter Trio - Minneapolis, MN - 3/1/10

Song Listing
1) ?
2) ?
3) ?
4) ?
5) ?
6) ?
7) ?
8) Gentlemen I Neglected to Inform You You Will Not be Getting Paid

Bonus Song Listing
1) ?
2) ?
3) ?

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Gentlemen, I Neglected to Inform You You Will Not Be Getting Paid   Friends Seen and Unseen   Bing! Bing! Bing!   More...
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Check out tour dates for the Charlie Hunter Trio here



Direct download: livemusicpodcast_063.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:29am EST

Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears are the quintessential get up out of your seat and dance type of live band.  Here are 3 pieces of evidence to support this hypothesis.

Big Booty Woman

I'm Broke


Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Tell 'Em What Your Name Is!   Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears EP
  Black Joe Lewis EP
    Purchase on Itunes        

Check out tour dates for Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears here.  Also I
 featured them on a podcast a while back so check that out too.
Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 5:17pm EST

Here is the full video of Band of Skulls SXSW performance...good stuff.  Try to catch these guys on their current US tour if you haven't already made plans to.

Click the image to watch it!

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Baby Darling Doll Face Honey
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Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 12:42am EST

Ideally this show would have came out sooner so everyone could have listened to it on St Paddys Day, but a busy weekend followed by a Hendrix Tribute concert caused a slight delay in production. The timing for it, however, brings up a great lesson that its ok to enjoy Irish music the other 364 days of the year. Its kind of the same way one would continue to drink Guinness after St Paddys Day due to it being a very fine beverage. Well, this compilation showcases another fine Irish export, their music and musicians.

I have tried to cover a pretty wide range of styles any where from the Celtic Rock of the Young Dubliners, to traditional Irish folk songs, as well as some U2 and Sinead OConnor. I hope that you enjoy it and if you are holding a Guinness feel free to raise it for a toast.  Slainte!

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Song Listing 
1) Irish Medley - Railroad Earth - 2005-03-17  
2) Waxies Dargle - Young Dubliners  

U2 cover

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_062.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

In celebration of today's CD/DVD release of Ben Harper and Relentless7 "Live from the Montreal International Jazz Festival", Hulu is making the entire concert available online until March 16th. That gives you approximately 7 days to watch it so don't miss out!

Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 2:36pm EST

In order to celebrate their new release, Hacienda is giving away a free download of "I Keep Waiting" off their new album Big Red and Barbacoa.

Click the image below to play it!


Also check out Hacienda as their alter ego The Fast Five on support of Dan Auerbach's solo tour last year.

Podcast #58: Dan Auerbach and the Fast Five - Chicago, IL - 8/09/09



Category:Other -- posted at: 3:03pm EST

When I began this year’s podcasts with Episode 58 I mentioned having a stock pile of amazing shows to kick the year off with. Well this one definitely falls into that category. This episode features an audience recording that is truly a classic and also a first on my podcast featuring the artist known as the Boss. Back on November 19, 1984, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band rolled into Kansas City to perform a 3+ hour marathon of a concert in a building filled with thousands of screaming fans. The sound quality and song selection made this recording an easy pick, especially after hearing Bruce mention Ames, IA during his epic finale. Of course Ames is home of the Iowa State Cyclones which is my alma mater.

As you can imagine it was very difficult to whittle 3 hrs down to just 1 but hopefully I did a decent enough job getting a sampling of the wide range of songs. I strongly encourage you to download the entire show in order to get the full experience. One highlight of the show that I didn’t include was about 20 minutes from the end of the set Bruce pauses for a moment just to announce that he got his second wind and goes right into a cover of “Twist and Shout” mixed in with “Do You Love Me?”. Listening to this concert, Bruce’s love for performing music is palpable and he truly earns his nickname of the Boss. That band of his can kick some butt too. Well here it is, I give to you Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band!

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Bruce Springsteen - Kansas City, MO - 11/19/84

Song Listing
1) Johnny 99
2) Reason to Believe
3) Glory Days
4) I'm Goin' Down
5) Cover Me
6) Dancing in the Dark
7) I'm on Fire
8) Born to Run
9) Epic Medley


Bruce Springsteen Solo - Vancouver, BC - 8/13/05

Bonus Song Listing
1) Living Proof
2) Because the Night
3) State Trooper
4) The Line
5) Matamoros Banks
6) The Promised Land


Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Live In New York City   Live in Dublin   Greatest Hits   More...
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Check out tour dates for Bruce Springsteen here.



Featured Stream #22 - Bruce Springsteen - Winterland (San Francisco, CA) - 12/15/78


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_061.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:17pm EST

A little foreshadowing for the upcoming podcast :)

Bruce Springsteen - Winterland (San Francisco, CA) - 12/15/78


Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 6:50pm EST

I'm going to see Hacienda this weekend with Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears in Lawrence, KS which reminded me to post this sweet cover of "Wooly Bully".

Hacienda in Studio 1a - KUT 90.5 Austin,TX from KUT 90.5 Austin on Vimeo.


Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Hacienda - Loud Is The Night  More...
Purchase on Itunes  More from Itunes...
Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 8:22pm EST

I'm glad that they posted this since I didn't get a real good look at OK Go's laser guitars when they played in Kansas City a couple weeks ago.  I didn't even realize that the bassist's guitar had scrolling LEDs!  

If you haven't done so go get their new album Of the Blue Colour of the Sky (Amazon MP3 version)!

What the Truck (WTF?)


White Knuckles  


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Of the Blue Colour of the Sky           More...
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Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 12:15pm EST

Category:Just For Fun -- posted at: 1:07pm EST

My friend Nate recently told me to watch the pilot episode of Austin City Limits starring Willie Nelson and friends.  Willie's music is legendary but I guess I didn't expect to enjoy the show as much as I did.  I've always heard the slower songs but these guys blew me away with their ability to jam.  

It's a good thing Willie was available for the Pilot since who knows if Austin City Limits would have been picked up if some else, Barry Manilow perhaps, had played instead.

Click on Willie's beard to watch the show!


Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Willie Nelson and Friends: Live and Kickin'   Willie and Family Live   Willie Nelson & Friends: Outlaws & Angels   More...
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Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 6:38pm EST

Tomorrow night Them Crooked Vultures (Dave Grohl, John Paul Jones, and Josh Homme) are playing Austin City Limits.  Check your local listings to find out when the party starts.

Click on Grohl's goatee to view a preview of the show!


Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Them Crooked Vultures           More...
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Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 1:06pm EST


I want to start the show by wishing everyone an early Happy Valentine’s Day or a late one depending on when you download this. Also I’d like to let my listeners know that I have noticed less downloads of the App bonus content than I would have expected. If you have purchased the App and need help accessing the bonus section please email me at Thanks again for your downloads and support.

This past Tuesday was the release of the new Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds concert album “Live In Las Vegas”. This album includes the music from night three of Dave & Tim’s Las Vegas trilogy last December and I highly recommend picking up a copy of it. Partly due to this release, I thought the timing was perfect to finally podcast what I consider to be the finest live acoustic set ever captured by a taper. I played a Dave & Tim recording on the very first episode of this podcast and you don’t know how close I was to using this one instead of the 2006 Vegas show. Picking a Dave & Tim recording is extremely difficult because there are so many flat out amazing ones in circulation. So you might be asking yourself what makes this one so special. Audio quality is pretty much a given so lets just skip that. Next up is a passionate performance and excellent song selection…check and check. Finally you need something extra unique to make it stand out from the rest. Do special guests the Grateful Dead’s Bob Weir and Carlos frickin’ Santana do it for you? I’d wager most of you will be in the hell ya category. Just a quick note before I get into it; you might notice a lot more space between the songs than I normally leave. This was done intentionally to highlight the often hilarious banter that comes out of Dave’s mouth, lovingly referred to as ‘Dave Speak’. Please enjoy Dave, Tim, and their guests from the March 14, 1999 performance in San Rafael, California.  

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!


Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - San Rafael, CA - 3/14/99

Song Listing
1) Two Step
2) Crush
3) All Along The Watchtower
4) Bartender
5) Don't Drink The Water
6) John The Revelator
7) Love Of My Life
8) Too Much
9) Song That Jane Likes
10) Dancing Nancies


Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Las Vegas, NV - 12/10/09

Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Las Vegas, NV - 12/11/09

Bonus Song Listing
1) Spaceman
2) The Maker
3) The Stone
4) Angel From Montgomery
5) #27
6) Corn Bread
7) Rye Whiskey


Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Live In Las Vegas   Live at Radio City Music Hall   Live at Luther   More...
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Check out tour dates for Dave Matthews Band here and Tim Reynolds here.


Also check out the podcast that started it all!

Podcast #1: Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Las Vegas, NV - 10/27/06

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_060.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:20pm EST

A while back I was contacted by Backyard Tire Fire's manager to help spread the word about their upcoming record release concert in Chicago this weekend.  Unfortunately it slipped my mind until just now to post it on my blog (although in my defense I did contact all of my Chicago friends earlier in the week to spread the word).

He also mentioned that they will be playing their hearts out to impress some radio people there so I'm guessing you are going to get your moneys worth ($15) and more.

Tickets are still available so if you live near the windy city go get em!

Here's a video for the title track "Good To Be"

Good To Be from Backyard Tire Fire on Vimeo.


Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

The Places We Lived   Vagabonds and Hooligans   Bar Room Semantics   More...
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Also be sure to check out Podcast #48: Backyard Tire Fire - Dekalb, IL - 3/26/09 if you haven't already done so.


Category:Other -- posted at: 9:38pm EST

I'm admittedly an OK Go noob so I've kind of been wondering what they sound like live.  Well thanks to an update I just saw from their Facebook account I now know.  That's right...get a free download for a live version of White Knuckles.  The only catch is that you need to have a Twitter account.

Oh and the answer to my question of how they sound live...really really good.  Here's their live performance on last night's Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson as further evidence.  Also anyone in the Kansas City area should check out their free concert at the Midland this Saturday (they're big fans of the whole free concept apparently).



Category:Other -- posted at: 1:20pm EST

Like most of you I watched the Super Bowl last night and although the game was absolutely spectacular I thought the commercials were a bit lacking this year.  One of them, however, especially moved me.  It was an ad for the Kia Sorento starring 5 child toys including the famous Sock Monkey taking the Sorrento for a joy ride and generally partying up the town.  The fact that this commercial had the Sock Monkey getting an I Heart Mom patch stitched on its arm and the Robot toy dancing the robot at a club was enought to win me over. 

As awesome as seeing toys getting their party on is, each scene was greatly accentuated by the driving funk powered tune playing in the background. After some quick searching I discovered that the song is called 'How You Like Me Now' by a British band called The Heavy.  I tried to find some audience recordings of this band but my quest was without any luck.  I did, however, find some really great videos for live versions of this song. 

First up we have their live in studio performance at Seattle's KEXP.  Also be sure to check out KEXP's Youtube Channel since there are lots of other great videos similar to this one.



Next is their 01/19/10 performance on Letterman.  They rock it so hard that Dave asks them to play an unprecedented encore...Letterman knows his shit.

The Heavy - Late Show with David Letterman - 01/19/10

Finally the commercial that started it all (for me that is).



Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

The House That Dirt Built   Great Vengence and Furious Fire       More...
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes       More from Itunes...


Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 10:45pm EST

No podcast this week since I've been fighting a head cold the past couple days. I thought with all the rockin' from the Dead Weather the site could use something a little more chill. Fortunately for me one of my favorite Soul artists recently released a new album and was featured on a video series on Hulu called Live from the Artists Den.

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

The Sea           More...
Purchase on Itunes           More from Itunes...

Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 9:39pm EST

I accidentally attached the wrong file to Episode #59 so if you updated the podcast on Friday you may have gotten the wrong one. Here is how to re-update the podcast in Itunes (other podcast-catchers are probably similar).

That's what I get for posting it at 11:30 at night.

Category:Other -- posted at: 5:21pm EST

You may have already seen this video since it has been making the rounds on the interwebs this week, but if not you are in for a real treat.  OK Go made their break into the mainstream in large part thanks to the amazingly creative videos for "A Million Ways" and "Here It Goes Again".  Well when their latest album, Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, came out January 12th the expectations were set pretty high for a new video.  They did not disappoint.

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass from OK Go on Vimeo.

You can download an MP3 of this version of "This Too Shall Pass" free on their homepage

Also check out this very interesting letter written by lead singer Damian Kulash about the messed up nature of the current music industry.

Category:Just For Fun -- posted at: 5:42pm EST

Very quickly I would like to thank everyone that has download the Live Music Podcast App and shown your support for this podcast. I hope you are very happy with your new purchase and I look forward to bringing you more quality live music to play through it.

Well here it finally is, the podcast I have been hyping up for a full week on my site. Hopefully you will agree that it was well deserving of that.

When I heard the news last spring that Jack White would not be touring with The Raconteurs in the coming year I was deeply confused and disappointed as a huge fan of theirs. I was also a little skeptical of the new band he had formed with him moving from guitar to drums and leaving the majority of the singing duties to Alison Mosshart of The Kills. Well that feeling of worry evaporated very quickly with my first listen of their debut album Horehound and having heard and seen some of their live performances I have now fallen madly in love with the new sound. At this point I will follow Jack White to a polka band if need be, because he has an incredible knack for surrounding himself with immensely talented musicians. Without further adieu I present to you from their November 17, 2009 concert in Brooklyn, NY, The Dead Weather.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

The Dead Weather - Brooklyn, NY - 11/17/09 

Intro Song
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Sure 'Nuff 'n' Yes, I Do

Song Listing
1) Forever My Queen
2) 60 Feet Tall
3) Hang You From the Heavens
4) You Just Can't Win
5) So Far From Your Weapon
6) Bone House
7) No Horse
8) A Child of a Few Hours is Burning To Death
9) Rocking Horse
10) No Hassle Night
11) Jaw Breaker
12) New Pony
13) Will There Be Enough Water?

Bonus Song Listing
1) I Cut Like a Buffalo
2) I Hate You
3) Treat Me Like Your Mother

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
The Dead Weather - Horehound
  The Kills - Midnight Boom
  The Raconteurs - Consolers Of The Lonely   More...
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes
  Purchase on Itunes   More from Itunes...

Check out tour dates for The Dead Weather here.

Tickets for The Dead Weather and The Flaming Lips can be found here.

Bonus Links!
The following is a compilation of links on the LMP for The Dead Weather, The Raconteurs, The Kills, and miscellaneous Jack White affiliations.

The Dead Weather
Featured Stream #15 - The Dead Weather - Washington, D.C. - 07/14/09

Featured Videos #1: The Dead Weather Cometh....

Album Pick #7: The Dead Weather - Live At Third Man Records West EP

New Downloads #8 - The Dead Weather - Ottawa, ON - 7/19/09

The Kills
Album Pick #8: The Kills - Live EPs from Itunes

Featured Stream #21 - The Kills Get the NPR Treatment

From the Basement: The Kills

The Raconteurs
Podcast #27: The Raconteurs - Las Vegas, NV - 10/28/06

Featured Stream #9 - The Raconteurs: Acoustic 'Consolers'

Featured Stream #14 - The Raconteurs - Bonnaroo 2008

Misc Projects w/ Jack White
'It Might Get Loud' Trailer HD

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_059.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:44pm EST

I looked at a lot of audience recordings before deciding on the perfect show for the podcast.  The following concert was a very excellent recording and almost made the cut.  One thing about this particular recording that gave it some extra bonus points was the creativity the taper used in describing the band.  Unfortunately he left out "woman of my dreams" next to Alison Mosshart's description.

Allison Mosshart - lead vocals, guitar, tamborine, cigarettes and attitude
Dean Fertita - lead guitar, keys, backing vox
Jack Lawrence - lead bass, ocular fashion, backing vox, drums
Jack White - rock god

The Dead Weather - Ottawa, ON - 7/19/09

Also check out the taper's blog for an awesome Top 10 Covers of 2009 list.

Category:New Downloads -- posted at: 10:13pm EST

In case you didn't know Jack White, The Edge, and Jimmy Page made a movie together last year.  I haven't seen it yet but the Blu-Ray version is currently sitting at the top of my Netflix queue. 

I love this quote from Jack White:
"I plan to trick both of these guys into teaching me all of their tricks"

Make sure to watch this trailer in 720p...amazing. 

Category:Other -- posted at: 1:01am EST

Surprise, surprise, another Dead Weather related post. It is Dead Weather week on the LMP after all!

The Kills: Oozing Attitude and Tension

The Kills: Giving the Gift of Grit

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 12:54am EST

Two more album picks for Dead Weather week. Here are Itunes exclusive live EPs from Alison Mosshart's other band, The Kills.

The Kills - Live at Lollapalooza 2008       The Kills - Live Session (iTunes Exclusive) - EP

Category:Album Picks -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

Dead Weather week continues on the LMP with a plug for the Itunes exclusive EP titled "Live At Third Man Records West".  Obviously this comes highly recommended by me.

The Dead Weather - Live At Third Man Records West

Category:Album Picks -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia is officially my favorite show right now, maybe of all time. Enjoy this theatrical reenactment of Season 4, Episode 13: The Nightman Cometh!

The entire theatrical performance is an extra feature on the Season 4 DVDs. You can also watch the original episode on Itunes
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Season 4 - The Nightman Cometh

or Amazon

Category:Just For Fun -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

This post is something of an appetizer to prepare everyone for next weeks' Dead Weather podcast!  Face melting stuff.

I apologize to my fans for not getting the jump on sooner, as they have so many other great performances in addition to this one. The Live Music Blog posted about it way back in October and somehow it slipped under my radar. Here's just a few of the names that jumped out at me, but with the sound and video quality so excellent I'm looking forward to watching them all.

Beck | Gnarls Barkley | The Kills | Queens of the Stone Age | Radiohead | The Raconteurs | The White Stripes | The Shins | My Morning Jacket | Eels

Category:Featured Videos -- posted at: 11:01pm EST

Here are some more links related to the last podcast...specifically the rock-hip-hop collaboration album Blakroc. First off, my favorite track from the album.

Next up a link to some behind the scenes video during the recording sessions.

The Making of Blakroc

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Blakroc           More...
Purchase on Itunes           More from Itunes...


Category:Other -- posted at: 6:58pm EST

I thought the last post had plenty of links already so I decided to do a separate post with all the stuff from NPR featuring Dan Auerbach, Blakroc, and The Black Keys.  Enjoy!

The Black Keys - All Songs Considered Concerts - 5/13/08

BlakRoc: The Black Keys Do Hip-Hop

The Black Keys' Dan Auerbach Goes Solo

Dan Auerbach: Electric Country, Eclectic Blues

Dan Auerbach: A Black Key Plays Solo

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 7:47pm EST

This is the first podcast of 2010 so I want to kick it off by wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. I’ve got a ton of great music lined up to get this year started off right so I hope you will continue listening. Just one quick announcement before I get into the music portion, I made a false statement in the last podcast when I was introducing the new Live Music Podcast App. I had assumed that the Itunes store used the same system for gifting apps as it does for music but apparently that is not the case. For now it looks like the only way to give an app to a friend is to email a gift card through the store. Unfortunately they are only sold in $10 increments so your friend will have to find another way to spend the eight dollars and one cent that they have left over. If you need a suggestion you might mention all of the great Itunes links that are found at

Well the music I have for this show is Dan Auerbach and The Fast Five’s August 9th stop at last year’s Lollapalooza. This tour was in support of Dan Auerbach’s solo release Keep It Hid but you may recognize Dan’s voice from his other band, The Black Keys. I’m not totally sure why Dan and drummer Patrick Carney decided to spend some time apart for this album/tour but Black Keys fans need not worry. They have already been back in the studio to record the rap rock collaboration project Blakroc which came out last November and are also working on a new album which will be released in the spring. Similar to Dan, The Fast Five also have an alter ego outside of this gig and are more widely known as the San Antonio based group Hacienda.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

Dan Auerbach and the Fast Five - Chicago, IL - 8/09/09 

Song Listing
1) Hidden Charms
2) I Want Some More
3) The Prowl
4) When I Left the Room
5) My Last Mistake
6) Mean Monsoon
7) Real Desire
8) Money and Trouble
9) Street Walkin'
10) Whispered Words
11) Heartbroken, In Disrepair
12) Inside-Looking Out

App Bonus:
Hacienda (aka the Fast Five) - Wayne, NJ - 10/10/09 

Bonus Song Listing
1) She's Got A Hold On Me
2) Little Girl
3) Shake Ya
4) Leave it this Way
5) Here Today
6) ?
7) Where the Waters Roam
8) Baby Don't Go
9) Country Air

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Dan Auerbach - Keep It Hid
  Hacienda - Loud Is The Night
  Blakroc   More...
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes
  Purchase on Itunes   More from Itunes...

Bonus Videos!

Check out tour dates for Dan Auerbach here and Hacienda here .


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_058.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:03pm EST

Jason Mraz and Tristan Prettyman - All I Want For Christmas Is Us (MP3)

Category:Other -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Las Vegas, NV - 12/10/09
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Las Vegas, NV - 12/11/09
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Las Vegas, NV - 12/12/09

Category:Other -- posted at: 12:01am EST

I'm not quite sure how I haven't posted this before, but if you ask me this is a Christmas album tailor made for this podcast.

A Very Special Christmas - Live From Washington D.C.           More from Amazon...
Purchase on Itunes        

Category:Album Picks -- posted at: 10:11pm EST

To start the show I’ve got some very exciting news to share with you on the Live Music Podcast front. Last week I was informed from my host site that the iPhone app they have been developing for me was accepted. The new app makes listening to this podcast on your iPhone or iPod Touch easier than ever before. On top of that, starting on this episode I will be releasing bonus content that you can only get by using the app. I do apologize to the non iPhone owners out there, which includes myself, but I will make sure to include links on the site where you can find bonus content.

Due to the timing of this episode release you may not hear it before Christmas but if you do and are looking for a last minute gift for the iPhone owner in your life please consider giving the app. Its only $1.99 and Itunes makes it super easy to send it to anyone with an email address apparently this is not the case I had assumed that it worked the same as gifting music, silly silly me. And finally I am giving the away the app to the first 10 people that put a comment on this episode so good luck!

The music for this show continues a tradition on this podcast by featuring a concert from Warren Haynes’ Annual Christmas Jam. This year I am playing select tracks from the Christmas Jam Band’s performance on December 12th. This was quite a show even by the very high standards that this event brings. It features a little bit of everything from Aerosmith and the Rolling Stones to Collective Soul and Bob Dylan. So please enjoy the 2009 Christmas Jam Band.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

Warren Haynes Presents: The 21st Annual X-Mas Jam Band - Asheville, NC - 12/12/09 

Song Listing
1) Wild Horses
2) The World I Know
3) Shine
4) I Ain't Waitin' on Tomorrow
5) Last Child
6) Spoonful
7) Animal
8) Isis

Warren Haynes Presents: The 21st Annual X-Mas Pre-Jam Band - Asheville, NC - 12/11/09 

Bonus Song Listing (Live Music Podcast App only)
1) I Ain't Waitin' On Tomorrow
2) Jumpin' Jack Flash
3) Taxman
4) Ohio

Support the artists by buying their music and watching them live!

Home   The Deep End, Vol. 1
  Live...With A Little Help From Our Friends
  More from Amazon...
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes   More from Itunes...

Bonus: Stocking Stuffers
Ani DiFranco - Xmas Jam - 12/11/09
Ani DiFranco - Xmas Jam - 12/12/09
Bloodkin - Xmas Jam - 12/12/09
Cornmeal - Xmas Jam - 12/11/09
Counting Crows - Xmas Jam - 12/11/09
Counting Crows - Xmas Jam - 12/12/09
George Porter, Jr. & Runnin' P - Xmas Jam - 12/11/09
George Porter Jr. and the Funk Band - Xmas Jam - 12/12/09
Govt Mule - Xmas Jam - 12/12/09
Hall, Porter,Deitch and Krasno with William Bell - Xmas Jam - 12/12/09
Jennie Arnau Band - Xmas Jam - 12/12/09
moe - Xmas Jam - 12/12/09

...and some related podcasts
Podcast #16: Warren Haynes Presents: The 19th Annual X-Mas Jam - Asheville, NC - 12/15/07
Podcast #40: Ben Harper & the Relentless 7 - Asheville, NC - 12/13/08

...and a first hand account (+ pictures) of the Pre-Jam from the Live Music Blog
21st Annual Warren Haynes Xmas Jam: The Pre-Jam @ the Live Music Blog

Happy Holidays!
Direct download: livemusicpodcast_057.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:31pm EST

Category:Just For Fun -- posted at: 4:19pm EST

Category:Album Picks -- posted at: 11:58am EST

The artists on this season of PBS' Austin City Limits are really blowing me away.  Here are links to just a few of the amazing live performances they have featured on the ACL stage.

Dave Matthews
Ben Harper and Relentless 7
Pearl Jam
Kings of Leon (not from this season but still awesome)

Other episodes can be found here.

Category:Other -- posted at: 9:42pm EST

Listen to some live Mule courtesy of XPN Live Fridays

Gov't Mule - XPN Live Fridays

Support the artists by buying their music and watching them live!
Live At Roseland Ballroom 1995   The Deep End, Vol. 1
  Live...With A Little Help From Our Friends
  More from Amazon...
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes   More from Itunes...

Gov't Mule is currently touring so check tour dates here

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

I wonder if he was inspired by the chicken that fights Peter on Family Guy

Man in a Chicken suit plays "What is Love" on Pianica from Ring Mod on Vimeo.

Category:Just For Fun -- posted at: 4:55pm EST

If you follow music blogs like I do you may have read a story last month about the tragic accidental death of !!! (Chk Chk Chk) drummer Jerry Fuchs. My sympathies especially go to those closest to him but also to any fans of the band. Unfortunately for me I hadn’t gotten a chance to see him perform but from the sounds of this recording he was very talented and will be sorely missed. If you would like to leave a message for Jerry’s friends and family visit

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

!!! (Chk Chk Chk) - Big Cyprus, FL - 3/7/08 

Song Listing
1) Yadnus
2) Myth Takes
3) Pardon My Freedom
4) Must Be The Moon
5) ?
6) A New Name
7) ?
8) ?
9) Heart of Hearts

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Louden Up Now   Myth Takes
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes
      More from Itunes...

Check out tour dates for !!! (Chk Chk Chk) here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_056.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 11:37pm EST

A friend recently introduced me to a great IPhone App for the website Daytrotter, which hosts exclusive versions and unreleased tracks for an impressive list of artists.  The interface on the site isn't quite as handy as the IPhone App but that is more than made up for by giving you the option to download all content in MP3.  The number of sessions is a little overwhelming (currently 772!) so here's a few to get you started. 

Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears
Backyard Tire Fire
Blitzen Trapper
Brendan Benson
Cage the Elephant
Grace Potter & the Nocturnals
Mason Jennings

Category:Other -- posted at: 2:14pm EST

Old school Mike Doughty fans will appreciated this stripped down live set from XPN Live Fridays.  Andrew "Scrap" Livingston provides the perfect bass/cello compliment to Doughty's acoustic melodies.

Mike Doughty - XPN Live Fridays - 10/31/09
Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 5:23pm EST

I don’t have much of an intro this time so we’ll get right to the goods. The concert I am featuring is yet another from the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, this time featuring the Beastie Boys. While I’m definitely more of a rock fan than hip hop I still enjoy a good Beastie tune every now and then. They also have a slightly more rock sound than usual playing live so hopefully if you despise hip hop you will at least give this a chance. Mix Master Mike even samples a couple of Zeppelin tunes for ya.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

Beastie Boys - Manchester, TN - 6/12/09 

Song Listing
1) The Biz Vs The Nuge
2) Time For Living
3) Super Disco Breakin
4) Sure Shot
5) No Sleep 'til Brooklyn
6) Shake Your Rump
7) Sabrosa
8) Body Movin'
9) Pass The Mic
10) Root Down
11) Too Many Rappers
12) Something's Got To Give
13) So Watcha Want
14) Intergalactic
15) Three MC's and One DJ
16) Sabotage

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Licensed to Ill   Paul's Boutique (20th Anniversary Edition)
  Hello Nasty

Check out tour dates for the Beastie Boys here.

Bonus! Check out this amazing hip hop medley which includes the Beastie Boys' "Fight For Your Right".

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_055.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:39pm EST

The first album from super group Them Crooked Vultures (Dave Grohl, JPJ, and Josh Homme) drops next week but you can preview the album on youtube below. Rockin stuff.
Category:Other -- posted at: 11:37am EST

Category:Other -- posted at: 11:45am EST

So you may be asking your why is there a blog post featuring Philip Glass studio tracks on a site that is supposed to be about live music?  Two reasons.  First, when I find something free and good on the internets I like to share it with as many people as I can.  Secondly you may be slightly surprised to find out that one of his compositions has been featured on a Live Music Podcast episode.  If you listen to Pearl Jam's intro for Episode 53 you will hear his song Metamorphisis (unfortunately it is not on the sampler).

The Orange Mountain Music Philip Glass Sampler Vol.I

Category:Other -- posted at: 11:33pm EST

I watched the blue-ray for this concert at a friend's house last night and was blown away by maybe the best encore imaginable. Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones joined the Foo Fighters for insane covers of Rock and Roll and Ramble On. I can't even imagine what it would have been like to see that about getting your money's worth.

Foo Fighters Live at Wembley Stadium           More from Amazon...
DVD Version        

Category:Other -- posted at: 1:12pm EST

I’m sure by now most people have found one or two albums from the year that have found their way on repeat more than the rest. Even though the year is far from over its pretty safe to say that I have declared my winners. The first album that really stood out for me was The Dead Weather’s debut ‘Horehound’. Although I was first disappointed to hear that the Raconteurs wouldn’t be touring again. Jack White’s new project did not disappoint and easily swooped in to fill the void. This album is rock solid all the way through and, yes, I am working on finding a concert to podcast.

The second album I picked up just recently and first came into my radar on the Austin City Limits free sampler that I blogged about in my Big Ass Austin City Limits post. This short exposure to Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears was quickly followed up by reading about their performance from the festival, in of all places, a blog on ESPN. If you are into music, basketball or just like reading witty musings check out Paul Shirley’s blog on ESPN’s The Life, where I read his first hand account of the festival. I used to watch Paul play forward for the Iowa State Cyclones, but I think even non alums can appreciate his entertaining articles. I do feel slightly bad for the people trying to watch the festival from behind him.

The music for this episode comes from a concert that Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears played in Charlotte, North Carolina on June 15th earlier this year. If you like the music of James Brown its almost a sure bet that you will dig these guys. The sound quality of this recording is a tad gritty compared to some of the other shows I’ve posted but seems to fit the type of gritty soul music that this band plays.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears - Charlotte, NC - 6/15/09 

Song Listing
1) Boogie
2) Sugarfoot
3) Big Booty Woman
4) I'm Broke
5) Black Snake
6) Hound Dog Taylor Jam
7) Gunpowder
8) Bobby Booshay
9) Booty City
10) Bitch, I Love You
11) About Jimmy Tapes
12) Please Pt. Two

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Tell 'Em What Your Name Is!   Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears EP
  Black Joe Lewis EP
    Purchase on Itunes        

Check out tour dates for Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_054.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:37pm EST

Apparently my memory is already starting to fail me.  If the music from Episode 53 sounded a little familiar it's because I had already featured the exact same concert on Episode 30.  A few of the songs were different but the majority were in both episodes.  On the bright side this may be the best audience recording of any band I have ever heard, so if I'm going to post a concert twice I'm glad it was this one. 

To make up for the lack of new content here are several Pearl Jam recordings I was also considering for this episode. 

Pearl Jam - Chicago, IL - 8/23/09
Pearl Jam - Chicago, IL - 8/24/09
Pearl Jam - Seattle, WA - 9/21/09
Pearl Jam - Seattle, WA- 9/22/09

Sorry for the mix up and be ready for a brand new concert next week!
Category:Other -- posted at: 8:55pm EST

The Austin City Limits Music Festival starts today and luckily for all of us non-attenders Hulu will be streaming it live.  I'm especially looking forward to Sunday night with Relentless 7 and The Dead Weather. 

Watch the Webcast

Here are a few other related links as well...enjoy

Austin City Limits' New Season Schedule
Download the Free ACL Sampler on Itunes

Category:Other -- posted at: 11:27am EST

I first want to thank everyone who has become a Facebook Fan of the Live Music Podcast. Becoming a fan is a small way that you can show your support of the site and also find out who else is listening. If you are not a fan yet and would like to become one check out the Facebook gadget on the right side of the homepage, its pretty hard to miss. Another new way that everyone can show your support is by filling out a quick survey. This survey will be used by my hosting site to determine potential advertisers and literally takes less than 1 minute to complete. I need a minimum of 250 responses to be counted so thanks in advance for your help on this.

The musical talent for this show is truly one of the great ones. I say that about a lot of bands but for this one there are almost 20 years of consistently great music and millions of sold concert tickets and albums to back me up. They also have a new album out so it was pretty hard not to pick Pearl Jam for this episodes featured band. These natives of Seattle were in especially pure form the day of June 14th 2008 in Manchester, TN. This was of course the 7th installment of the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival and this taping really capture all of the excellence that a Pearl Jam concert can be. Even the sound quality of this recording is superb and the crowd noise to a minimum. I’m not even sure how this was possible since clearly from the amount of crowd singing on songs like Better Man they were picked up on the mics perfectly. Eddie Vedder was even impressed with the singing ability of the crowd to stop for a moment and acknowledge them. I thought he might even pull out the “pretty good singing there” quote.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

Pearl Jam - Manchester, TN - 6/14/08 

Song Listing
1) Hard To Imagine
2) All Night
3) Why Go
4) Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
5) 1/2 Full
6) Animal
7) Daughter
8) W.M.A.
9) Better Man
10) Black
11) Alive

Backspacer Notice:
Currently you can only purchase Backspacer at Target and download it from Itunes which in my opinion is total crap. I hate to dig on a band after I have just listened to a free live recording but this type of exclusive deal bullshit is making things even harder on independently owned record stores that are already dying out at a tremendous rate in this economy. This is a very strange move for one of the most notorious anit-corporation bands around who even took on the all powerful Ticketmaster back in the day. The good news is that the rest of the stores will carry the new release on October 13th so if you haven’t already bought it I recommend holding off and finding it at your favorite music store. I’m hoping that if enough people backlash against exclusive releases then artists will figure out that they are a bad idea and if I might say even un-American.

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
  Backspacer   Live on Two Legs
    Ten (Deluxe Edition)

Check out tour dates for Pearl Jam here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_053.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:21pm EST' said.

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Berkeley, CA - 5/30/70

Song Listing
1) Fire
2) Johnny B. Goode
3) Hear My Train Comin'
4) Foxy Lady
5) Machine Gun
6) Freedom
7) Red House
8) Message Of Love
9) Easy Rider
10) Star Spangled Banner
11) Purple Haze
12) Voodoo Child

Band Of Gypsys   Jimi Hendrix : Live at Woodstock
  Live at the Fillmore East

Jimi's cover of Johnny B. Goode was pretty rippin' but nobody tops Michael J. Fox

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 9:20pm EST

Just got an email from Jack Johnson's newsletter announcing a free MP3 from his new release.  The album/film "En Concert" features songs from multiple stops on Jack's 2008 world tour and comes out October 27th. 

Download It

Category:Other -- posted at: 5:47pm EST

To start off this show I want to make a quick announcement that the LMP has finally joined the social network bandwagon. The website now features Facebook and Twitter gadgets down the right side of the page. Please consider becoming a Facebook fan or following LMP tweets on Twitter. I especially encourage joining the fan page because it is a great place to meet other listeners, comment on past episodes, and make recommendations for new ones.

Now moving on to the music for this episode and the featured artist Alejandro Escovedo. If Bruce Springsteen and Los Lobos had a child it would probably sound very similar to Escovedo. He brings a lot of passion to his shows and you will find that out on this recording from June 10th, 2009 at the Pageant in St Louis. If the first track sounds familiar it might be because I featured a cover of it by Backyard Tire Fire on Episode 48. Now I present to you, Alejandro Escovedo!

Alejandro Escovedo - St Louis, MO - 06/10/09 

Song Listing
1) Always a Friend
2) Everybody Loves Me
3) I Was Drunk
4) People (We’re Only Gonna Live So Long)
5) Chelsea Hotel ‘78
6) Castanets
7) All the Young Dudes
8) Beast of Burden

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Real Animal   A Man Under the Influence
  Thirteen Years

Check out tour dates for Alejandro Escovedo here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_052.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:42pm EST

The Live Music Podcast has finally taken the social networking plunge.  Please check out the new Facebook fan page and follow livemusiccast on Twitter.  Unfortunately livemusicpodcast was too long for a Twitter account ...very lame.
Category:Other -- posted at: 10:49am EST

This is a slightly random post...but sometimes those are the best kind.

Category:Other -- posted at: 5:58pm EST

If you are a fan of the blues you will definitely enjoy this live set from Joe Bonamassa on World Cafe Live.

Joe Bonamassa - World Cafe Live in Philadelphia - 8/14/09

Song Listing
1) Bridge to Better Days
2) So Many Roads
3) Further on up the Road
4) Great Flood
5) Had to Cry Today
6) Sloe Gin
7) Woke Up Dreaming
8) Just Got Paid

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Live from Nowhere in Particular   The Ballad of John Henry
  Blues Deluxe

Check out tour dates for Joe Bonamassa here.

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 12:40pm EST

If you are lucky enough to be in San Fransisco this weekend for the Outside Lands festival this post will be of little concern to you. However if you are like me the webcast is the closest I am going to get. Thanks to Justin at The Live Music Blog for the schedule below.

Outside Lands 2009 Webcast Schedule

Friday, 8/28
2:30pm – Built to Spill
3:30pm – Zap Mana
4:05pm – Midnight
5:05pm – West Indian Girl
5:50pm – Q-Tip
6:50pm – Silversun Pickups
7:40pm – Thievery Corporation

Saturday, 8/29
2:05pm – Raphael Saadiq
3:05pm – Zion I
3:55pm – TBA
4:55pm – Streetsweepers Social Club
5:40pm – TBA
6:40pm – Jason Mraz
7:30pm – Dave Matthews Band

Sunday, 8/30
2:00pm – Cage the Elephant
2:35pm – Robert Randolph & the Family Band
3:35pm – Atmosphere
4:20pm – TBA
5:20pm – Autolux
5:35pm – Bettye Lavette
6:35pm – Ween
7:35pm – Incubus

Category:Other -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

Category:Other -- posted at: 2:10pm EST

The artist for this show is another great musician that I’ve been trying to feature for some time. If this is your first exposure to Donavon Frankenreiter he is a singer/song writer who’s bio reads a lot like Jack Johnson…both professional surfers turned musicians. Not surprisingly the two are long time friends and Donavon’s debut album was even released on Jack’s Brushfire Records. While this first album had more of a laid back acoustic feel similar to Jack, his albums since have stood apart and even mixed in some 70s inspired funk. The concert I will be playing was recorded at the Greenfield Lake Ampitheater in Wilmington, North Carolina. Here he is, the man, the myth, the mustache…

Donavon Frankenreiter - Wilmington, NC - 08/09/09 

Song Listing
1) Girl Like You
2) Bend in the Road
3) Sing a Song
4) Free
5) Call Me Papa
6) What'cha Know About
7) Life, Love, and Laughter
8) Your Heart
9) Swing On Down
10) Move By Yourself
11) That's Too Bad

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Donavon Frankenreiter   Move by Yourself
  Pass It Around
Purchase on Itunes            

Check out tour dates for Donavon Frankenreiter here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_051.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:28pm EST

Starting today you can watch several acts from Lollapolooza streaming live. Check the site below for a list of performers and broadcast schedule, I'm especially excited for Ben Harper and Relentless7 this Saturday at 9:30pm.

Lollapalooza 2009

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

With this show I am celebrating the 50th episode with a band that I have been dying to feature for quite some time. I have not seen many recordings of Kings of Leon on the net, but the quality of this recording made it a shoo-in for this milestone podcast. I’m guessing most listeners of this podcast have heard of Kings of Leon by now as their mainstream exposure has sharply increased within the last year. It is only on their current tour that they have been headlining larger venues in the US, while they have been playing in front of huge audiences in the UK for the past several years. A strange fact when you consider their hometown of Nashville, TN. It was probably inevitable that their days of smaller venues wouldn’t last, so feel very lucky if you got to see them. I think you will agree that they were destined for the big stage after hearing this recording of their June 27th, 2009 concert in the 17,000 capacity O2 World arena in Berlin.

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the full concert.
Kings of Leon - Berlin, Germany - 6/27/09 

The source for this show is only available in FLAC format so if would like to convert it to MP3 for your Ipod or other portable media player I recommend downloading a free program I developed called the Ultimate Live Music Audio Converter. This is the easiest way to convert FLAC or SHN files to MP3 and also has handy features like automatic tagging and updating of your Itunes library with converted files.

Song Listing
1) Notion
2) Be Somebody
3) Molly's Chambers
4) Fans
5) Closer
6) Crawl
7) Charmer
8) Sex On Fire
9) On Call
10) Use Somebody
11) Knocked Up
12) Manhattan
13)Black Thumbnail

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Only by the Night   Because of the Times
  Youth & Young Manhood
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes
  Purchase on Itunes
  More from Itunes...

Check out tour dates for Kings of Leon here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_050.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:09pm EST

Jack Whites new project The Dead Weather kicked of their album release with a stop at the 9:30 club in Washington, D.C. featured on (you guessed it) NPR's Live in Concert series.  The new album Horehound is rockin' and hopefully I'll be able to feature a podcast episode of them sometime in the near future.

The Dead Weather - Washington, D.C. - 07/14/09 

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

Horehound           More from Amazon...
Purchase on Itunes        
  More from Itunes...

Bonus video!
Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

UPDATE: The file conversion section of this tutorial has been modified from its original version.  The old method of converting shn/flac files has been replaced with a new application that I developed called the Ultimate Live Music Audio Converter (Ulmac for short).

If you are trying to find out the easiest way to download full shows of the music that you have heard on the podcast or just want to know how to download live music in general you've come to the right place.  Listed below are step by step instructions for downloading and playing live music recordings.

Finding live music
There are many websites that host live concerts but here are some of my favorites:

You can also browse the links section in the pane to the right for more.

Note: I have only tested the applications listed below on a Windows XP system and cannot guarantee that compatible versions exist for other operating systems.

Downloading it
Some websites will allow you to download the files directly such as with  Others use torrent files to allow you to download the files from a peer-to-peer network (,, etc).  To download these files you will need to have a bit torrent client.  I personally use uTorrent, which is a free open source program which can be downloaded here.  There are many others to choose from, but another popular client is Azereus.  I have found that the easiest way to manage my downloads is to create a folder to store downloads that are in process and another to store completed downloads.  In uTorrent this can be set up from the Options->Preferences menu under the Downloads section.

Listening to it
Depending on the file type of the music that you have downloaded you may already be able to listen to it with existing software on your computer.  Typically, however, you will find live music downloads in SHN or FLAC format and additional software installations may be required.   These file types are typically used, since they preserve the same quality as the original recording.  I prefer to use Winamp to listen to these file formats because it is very easy to add plugins to it which enable this ability.  If you don't already have Winamp you can download it here.  Once you have Winamp installed you can download the plugin for FLAC files here and for SHN files here.

Converting FLAC/SHN files into other formats
Converting FLAC/SHN files into other formats can be accomplished most effectively by installing the Ultimate Live Music Audio Converter here.  This is a cross platform application I developed that supports conversion of shn, flac, and wav files to mp3 or ogg. Other advanced features include automatic tagging using a set list file, automatic scanning of download folders for new files, and import of converted files into an Itunes library.

Note: The taping community encourages conversion to MP3 for personal use, but if you are going to be trading files only use the original SHN or FLAC versions to preserve the quality.

Burning a CD
To burn a CD with your live music downloads use the converted WAV files and your favorite CD burning application.  If you need to download a CD burning application you can install CDBurnerXP Pro here.  Before burning your CD make sure that any option to add gaps between each track is turned off, this can be very annoying when listening to a concert.

Category:Help -- posted at: 3:02pm EST

In the blog posts leading up to this episode I hinted that the music for this show would feature a concert from this year’s Bonnaroo. With many downloads to choose from I ended up deciding on a very impressive recording of Wilco’s set from the third night. This was Wilco’s third time playing at the music festival Mecca in Tennessee and left no doubt why they keep getting invited back.

Song Listing
1) Wilco (the song)
2) I Am Trying to Break Your Heart
3) Company in My Back
4) Handshake Drugs
5) California Stars
6) Misunderstood
7) Spiders (Kidsmoke)
8) The Late Greats
9) Hate It Here
10) I’m the Man Who Loves You
11) Hoodoo Voodoo

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the full concert.
Wilco - Bonnaroo - 6/13/09 

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Wilco (The Album)   Kicking Television: Live in Chicago
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  Purchase on Itunes
  More from Itunes...

Check out tour dates for Wilco here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_049.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 11:22pm EST

Once again the good man at Largehearted Boy has compiled his annual Bonnaroo Downloads list.  In case you couldn't make it to Manchester this year head over there and start downloading to your heart's content.

Category:New Downloads -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

Bonnaroo 2009 was a few weeks ago and although I am a little late to the game I wanted to honor the greatest music festival in the world with a few Bonnaroo posts, followed by a podcast from one of this year's acts.

The first post I have is an amazing high quality video stream of The Raconteurs performance in 2008. I am really amazed that the website has kept this streaming video alive for over a year and hopefully it will not go away any time soon.

Please support the artists by buying their music!
Broken Boy Soldiers   Consolers Of The Lonely
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      More from Itunes...

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 12:28pm EST

This show features a band that I’ve been listening to quite a bit lately called Backyard Tire Fire. This hardworking Midwestern rock and roll band plays honest music for the everyman, as you might expect with a name like Backyard Tire Fire. I was able to see these guys open for Grace Potter last November and despite the annoyance of the fire alarm going off several times, they put on an awesome performance. Fortunately the concert I have for you does not have any alarms. With so many great recordings on it was tough picking out just one, but special thanks go out to the band’s manager for kindly directing me to this one.

Song Listing
1) Road Song #39
2) Thick Skin
3) One Wrong Turn
4) Good To Be
5) The White On My Walls
6) A Better Day
7) Jimmmy and Bob and Jack
8) I'd Rather Be Blind, Crippled, and Crazy
9) Downtime
10) A Thousand Gigs Ago
11) How In the Hell Did You Get Back Here?
12) Runnin' Down a Dream

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the full concert.
Backyard Tire Fire - Dekalb, IL - 3/26/09 

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
The Places We Lived   Vagabonds and Hooligans
  Bar Room Semantics
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Check out tour dates for Backyard Tire Fire here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_048.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:21pm EST

If you enjoyed the last podcast you might also like this recording featuring a live performance of In Utero by the Dualistics, as well as several other Nirvana tracks by various artists.

Dualistics and friends - Denver, CO - 4/03/09

Category:Other -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

In case you missed this on fuse last Monday, Hulu is streaming the full Dave Matthews Band concert from the Beacon Theater. Despite Dave's noticeably strained vocal chords during a couple of the songs the band puts on an amazing show mixing in classic hits and new tracks from their latest release: Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King.

Dave Matthews Band: Live from the Beacon Theater

Dave Matthews Band
Big Whiskey and The GrooGrux King
Purchace on Itunes
Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 11:59am EST

NPR and WXPN in Philadelphia continue to bring the goods. Their latest edition of XPN Live Friday features the Derek Trucks Band ripping up their set with one of the best jam sessions around.

The Derek Trucks Band - World Cafe Live - 05/29/09

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 10:00am EST

Last month I received an email from a listener asking if I would do a show to mark the 15 anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death. Although the actual anniversary has since passed by, I thought it was a great idea and especially wanted to do this because of Nirvana’s influence on me during my earlier years.

I looked around for some quality sounding live shows without much luck but not surprisingly there are a great many bands that cover Nirvana songs. I thought it would be fitting to put together a compilation of those covers recognizing the lasting impact that Kurt Cobain and Nirvana has had on rock music. Some of these are from well-knowns like Gov’t Mule and Disco Biscuits, but also included are several less established bands but equally inspired covers.

Song listing
1) All Apologies - Gov't Mule - 2008-12-31
2) Breed - Local H - 2005-06-01
3) Lithium - Disco Biscuits - 2007-02-16
4) Something In the Way - The Hippo Campus - 2008-12-12
5) Smells Like Teen Spirit - Keller Williams - 2008-11-22
6) School - Sound Team - 2004-11-06
7) Polly - Scarecrow Collection - 2007-04-20
8) Pennyroyal Tea - Brian Dolzani - 2008-05-24
9) In Bloom - Fat Maw Rooney - 2005-10-29
10) On a Plain - Rogue Wave - 2005-12-06

Support the artists by buying their music!

MTV Unplugged in New York   Nevermind
  In Utero
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If you interested in downloading some live Nirvana bootlegs check out

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_047.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:13pm EST

I want to take a minute from normal broadcasting to welcome back Justin from his short hiatus on Those familiar to it will be glad to know that his jam friendly site is back with concert and festival updates, band news, and everything else related to live music. Just in time for the prime concert season. Also of interest one of the recent postings announced the creation of a new site,, started by LMB contributor Whit Person. As the name suggests this site features high energy live music sets to get your workout moving. It’s a great idea considering most people don’t usually consider live music recordings when they put together a workout mix.

Now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast, already in progress. For this show I am featuring a recent concert by Idaho born singer songwriter Josh Ritter. I owe my friend Susie, who very well might be his biggest fan, for introducing me to his music. The last time I saw her she burned a mix of his songs and I’m hoping on this episode I will have returned the favor. Please enjoy Josh Ritter and his band live at Baltimore’s Ram’s Head, March 26, 2009.

Song Listing
1) Other Side
2) Lillian, Egypt
3) Right Moves
4) The Curse
5) Kathleen
6) Mind's Eye
7) Bad Actress
8) Rumors
9) To The Dogs Or Whoever
10) Snow Is Gone

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the full concert.
Josh Ritter - Baltimore, MD - 03/26/09 

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Golden Age of Radio   Live At the 9:30 Club
  In the Dark: Live at Vicar Street
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  More from Itunes...

Check tour dates for Josh Ritter here.


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_046.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:43pm EST

With St Paddy’s day just around the corner I thought it would be fitting to feature a concert with some Irish heritage. With that in mind you’d be hard pressed to find a concert any more suited than U2 in their hometown of Dublin. Combine that with the release of their new album, “No Line on the Horizon”, and this pick was a no-brainer.

The recording I will be playing was made during the On the Eleventh Hour tour, December 30th, 1989. Besides having impeccable sound quality it also includes special guest B.B. King towards the end of the show and is easily one of the best recordings you will find on

Song Listing
1) Running To Stand Still
2) God Part II
3) Desire
4) All Along The Watchtower
5) All I Want Is You
6) New Year's Day
7) Pride (In The Name Of Love)
8) She's A Mystery To Me
9) Angel Of Harlem
10) When Love Comes To Town
11) With Or Without You

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the full concert.
U2 - Dublin, Ireland - 12/30/89 

Support the artists in this podcast by buying albums and watching them live!
No Line On The Horizon   Best of 1980-1990
  Rattle and Hum (Live)
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U2's world tour kicks off June 30th, check dates here.

If you'd like to listen to more live U2 check out Podcast #12: U2 - Rosemont, IL - 04/29/87.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_045.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:51pm EST

It might be debatable whether this video falls under the live music umbrella...but it's just too awesome not to post.

Category:Other -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

The music for this episode comes from the ocean cruise/music festival known as Jam Cruise. Since the maiden voyage in 2004, Jam Cruise has been bringing jam band artists together with their fans for several days out in the Caribbean. I’ve never been able to make it but perhaps they’ll give me a free pass next year for giving them the free publicity. Fortunately they do allow tapers to bring their equipment and the show I have for you comes from something that they call the Jam Room. This is basically like the Bonnaroo Superjam where artists from diverse bands can come together to have an anything goes jam session. The night I have for you includes Ivan Neville on keys, Scott Metzger from Particle on guitar, and Les Claypool on drums among the many other talented musicians. Prepare to enter the Jam Room.

Matt Grondin - guitar, keys, percussion
Ivan Neville - keys
Stanton Moore - drums
Scott Metzger - guitar
Dave Dreiwitz - drums
Jans Ingber - vocals, percussion
Ralph Roddenberry - vocals
Brock Butler - guitar
Les Claypool - drums

Support these artists by buying their music and watching them live!

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the full concert.
Jam Cruise Jam Room - 01/04/09 

You might also enjoy the other nights from this year's Jam Room
Jam Cruise Jam Room - 01/05/09
Jam Cruise Jam Room - 01/06/09
Jam Cruise Jam Room - 01/07/09
Jam Cruise Jam Room - 01/08/09

Bonus: This is how I imagine Jam Cruise


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_044.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

The recording for this show comes from one of my all time favorite live performers and the only reason it took this long to get a show posted was the relatively small number of recordings available. Every once in a while I will spot a decent Ben Folds recording on the inter-webs, but this one from a 2008 tour stop in San Francisco was a cut above the rest.

There is a clear reason why Ben Folds’ live reputation has achieved such a legendary status. First and foremost the man is a natural performer and really knows how to work a crowd. Another reason in my mind is what he describes during this recording as his set list strategy. Basically this means playing his new songs at the beginning of the set and then finishing with classic fan favorites. To me this formula is a perfect 1-2 punch that I believe all artists should use for optimal crowd enjoyment. I tried to follow Ben’s lead for the song selection so I hope you’ll agree with my assessment.

Song listing
1) Way To Normal (Fake Song)
2) Brainwascht
3) Annie Waits
4) Dr. Yang (Fake Song)
5) Dr. Yang
6) The Frown Song
7) Landed
8) Zak and Sara
9) Army
10) Rockin' the Suburbs
11) Kate
12) Philosophy
13) Frown Song (Feeble Anthem)

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the full concert
Ben Folds - San Francisco, CA - 11/13/08 

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Way to Normal   Ben Folds Live
  The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner
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  More from Itunes...

Check tour dates and band information for Ben Folds.

Bonus #1

Bonus #2
Way To Normal (Fake Version)


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_043.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:28am EST

I read in the latest edition of Rolling Stone that the Allman Brothers will be going back on tour March 9th, kicking off the tour with a 10 show stand at the Beacon Theater.  This tour will commemorate their 40th anniversary so in honor of that milestone here is a stream from their legendary set at the Fillmore East.

The Allman Brothers Band - Fillmore East (New York, NY)

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 11:02am EST

I was inspired to do an inauguration theme for this show mostly due to the monumentally historic event that occurred earlier this week. However, I was also inspired in small part by another inauguration podcast I had just listened to from This American Life. As usual that episode was superbly done and a great one to get you started if you have never heard the show before. After listening to a few of them there is a very good chance you will get hooked on it like I have been for the last 6 months.

For my inauguration show I’ve got some great politically themed live music in store for you. For those familiar with the Live Music Blog you might recognize the music from their podcast episode 62, which I helped put together. After a long and excellent run the Live Music Blog is currently on an indefinite hiatus so I wanted to repost the music from that show and this week seemed like a good opportunity for that. So please sit back and enjoy my 2009 Inauguration Compilation.

Song listing
1) People, People - Derek Trucks Band - 2008-07-11
2) No More - Pearl Jam - 2008-06-14
3) Get Up Stand Up @ - Michael Franti and Spearhead - 2006-07-21
4) A Change is Gonna Come # - Gavin DeGraw - 2004-04-18
5) Come Together $ - John Butler Trio - 2007-11-16
6) Gimme Shelter % - moe. - 2008-03-06
7) What’s Going On ^ - Railroad Earth - 2006-09-03
8) Revolution $ - String Cheese Incident - 2004-10-31
9) War @ - Dispatch - 2001-04-03
10) Keep On Rockin’ In the Free World + - Outformation - 2007-12-01

@ Bob Marley cover
# Sam Cooke cover
$ Beatles cover
% Rolling Stones cover
^ Marvin Gaye cover
+ Neil Young cover

For more live political compilation fun check out Episode #35 - Keep On Votin' in the Free World (Part 2)


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_042.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:51pm EST

This is the first show since the holidays so I hope you found some time to relax and enjoy time with friends and family during the break. I stayed pretty busy myself with a pair of family get-togethers over Christmas and recently returned from a trip to Dubai, which explains the delay in getting this episode out.

Dubai was a pretty amazing place with incredible buildings around every corner, delicious cuisine, and even indoor snow skiing. What really amazed me was despite how far away it was just how similar city life was to the States and relatively easy it was to acclimate. Well other than the cost of everything that is. Not to say that it was all the same, one big difference that I found was the absolute power that their government has over businesses there. During my stay all live music was prohibited in public on multiple occasions by order of the Shaikh. So from a live music perspective it might not be the ideal place to go, but if you are planning on seeing a concert there my advice would be to have a backup plan.

Moving on to the music portion for the episode. For this show I am featuring Blitzen Trapper from their November 22, 2008 performance in Birmingham, Alabama. A co-worker told me about this band a while back and I found this recording shortly after. They have a slightly Dylanesque sound in my opinon but, as Levar Burton might say, you don't have to take my word for it. Give them a listen and decide for yourself, I hope you enjoy.

Song listing
1) Sleepytime In The Western World
2) Furr
3) God & Suicide
4) Saturday Night
5) Black River Killer
6) Lady on the Water
7) Not Your Lover
8) Texaco
9) Badger's Black Brigade
10) Echo/Always On/EZ Con
11) Summer Town
12) Wild Mountain Nation

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the the show in lossless format
Blitzen Trapper - Birmingham, AL - 11/22/08 

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Furr   Wild Mountain Nation
  Blitzen Trapper
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Check tour dates and band information for Blitzen Trapper.


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_041.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:52am EST

Earlier in the week I had planned to go with a different concert for this episode but it seems that Santa had an early present for me. Last year around this time I featured Warren Haynes’ 19th Annual X-Mas Jam and I decided to continue the tradition when I came across multiple concerts from the 20th X-Mas Jam. The lineups are always so good that I might have to make this a yearly tradition.

The music for this show will feature a new band with a familiar lead singer. During the Beastie Boys recent “Get Out and Vote” tour, Ben Harper debuted a new lineup, Relentless 7. The beginnings of the band’s formation date back to 1998 at a concert Ben played in Austin. While on the way to the show, the guy driving Ben’s van asked to play a demo tape. Ben was so impressed that he got the band a record deal and continued to work with their guitarist on several projects, including one of the tracks on Both Sides of the Gun. The band was Wan Santo Condo and guitar player Jason Mozersky, is now playing lead for Relentless 7.

This concert begins with a track called “Number With No Name,” which is from their debut album, White Lies For Dark Times, which will be out in May of next year. The limited tour stops they have made so far have been at smaller venues than typical for the Innocent Criminals. The reason for this can be attributed to the following quote from Ben Harper: “I wanted us to earn it, this is where it needs to be for it to be sincere”. I for one am hoping they stick with this philosophy on their album tour next Spring, just be sure to get your tickets early.

Song listing
1) Number No Name
2) Shimmer
3) Lay There & Hate Me
4) Better Way
5) Fly One Time
6) Keep It Together
7) Dressed in Black
8) Boots
9) Up to You Now
10) Good Times Bad Times w/ John Paul Jones

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the the show in lossless format
Ben Harper & the Relentless 7 - Asheville, NC - 12/13/08 

Also check out some of the other bands from Warren Haynes' 20th X-Mas Jam
Derek Trucks Band 12/12/08
Del McCoury Band 12/12/08
Dumpstaphunk 12/12/08
Warren Haynes & John Paul Jones 12/12/08
Joan Osborne 12/12/08
Gov't Mule 12/12/08
Travis Tritt 12/12/08
Johnny Winter 12/13/08
Coheed & Cambria 12/13/08
Michael Franti & Jay Bowman 12/13/08
Steve Earle 12/13/2008
Christmas Jam Band 12/13/08

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Live At Mars   Live in Japan
  Live At Twist and Shout
  More from Amazon...
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Check tour dates and band information for Ben Harper and the Relentless 7.


Direct download: livemusicpodcast_040.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:49pm EST

If you are still looking for a Christmas gift for the live music fan in your life I highly recommend picking up Rodrigo y Gabriela's new album "Live in Japan". The duo never cease to amaze me with the energy and rhythm that are on display during this performance. Although it is available digitally, for this one you should buy the plastic version so you get the bonus DVD.

Live in Japan           More from Amazon...
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More live Rodrigo y Gabriela can be found on Podcast #11: Rodrigo y Gabriela - Santa Cruz, CA - 04/27/07.

Category:Album Picks -- posted at: 9:36pm EST

Well it’s that time of year in Kansas City as I’m sure it is in many other areas where you are listening when the inevitability of winter starts sinking in. With the majority of my outdoor activities coming to an end for the next several months the thoughts of spending the majority of my time indoors has put a slight damper on my mood. So in light of this I thought it would be fitting to do a blues show for this episode. Also, it has been a while since I featured a recording from my hometown and this recent download I came across fit both of those criteria perfectly.

Last month wrapped up the end of Gov’t Mule’s Kinder Revolution Fall Tour and supporting them on this tour was a great blues band called Back Door Slam. The trio comes all the way from the Isle of Man which is at the geographical centre of the British Isles. Despite that they seem to spend a lot of time touring the US because I saw them open for Rusted Root about a year before at the same venue. They really are a great opening act and I’d love to see what they can do with a full set sometime. This recording was captured by Nick Hatfield aka MOMule on November 16th, 2008 and is sure to get you fired up on even the coldest winter day.

Follow the link below to listen to the concert in loss-less format.
Back Door Slam - Kansas City, MO - 11/16/08

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1) Outside Woman Blues
2) Tear Down The Walls
3) Come Home
4) Back Door Slam
5) Country Girl
6) Coming Into Los Angeles
7) It's a Long Long Road
8) (Tell Me) What the Fuss is All About
9) What in the World

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Roll Away   I'll Get Mine
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Check out Back Door Slam's Homepage for tour dates and more info about the band. 

Also check out the amazing Gov't Mule set that followed their performance.
Gov't Mule - Kansas City, MO - 11/16/08

...and last year's concert from the same venue
Podcast #14: Gov't Mule - Kansas City, MO - 11/01/07

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_039.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:09pm EST

I have been listening to more streaming concerts on Wolfgang's Vault now that the company I work for has for some reason unblocked this site.  I'm not really sure why since it seems like it would be a giant bandwidth hog, but that isn't really my problem. 

Here is one that I found featuring a compilation of some of the greatest guitar players of all time.

Guitar Greats: Vault Top 10

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 9:54pm EST

For this episode I am featuring an Australian artist that was last seen touring the US with Ben Folds. If you guessed Missy Higgins then I guess you win although I didn’t really come up with any prizes. I got the chance to see their sold out stop in Kansas City last month and despite waiting in line during a cold and rainy night for about a half an hour, it turned out to be one of my favorite concerts this year. I can be fairly cheap so when I get to see 2 great bands in the same night it kind of feels like I got a little extra for my money.

The job of the opening band can be quite difficult with many crowds and especially with one that is cold and wet. Typically half of the people show up in time for the opener and half of those are trying to talk to each other during the songs. An opener really has to do something special to excite a crowd in this kind of environment and for the audience in attendance at the Uptown Theater, Missy Higgins was absolutely captivating. Her expressive and slightly sassy style was a great complement to Ben Folds and perfect for a small theater like the Uptown. A good indicator of how well an opener is doing is the difference between the crowd noise during the songs and in between. Let’s just say that a lot of headliners would be jealous of the loud applause after and near silence during each song.

Try as I might, I was not able to find a recording of that night’s performance. I did however find an excellent recording of a concert that was taped about a year before in Hollywood, California.

Follow the link below to listen to the full concert
Missy Higgins - Hollywood, CA - 10/18/07

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1) Peachy
2) This Is How It Goes
3) Forgive Me
4) Any Day Now
5) Where I Stood
6) Angela
7) Secret
8) Warm Whispers
9) The Special Two
10) Scar
11) Steer

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On a Clear Night   The Sound of White       More...
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Check out Missy Higgins' Homepage for tour dates and more info about the band. 

Also check out this recording that almost made it to the podcast
Missy Higgins - Telluride, CO - 6/17/06

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_038.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:43pm EST

NPR does it again...this time an exclusive live acoustic performance of songs from the Raconteurs album 'Consolers of the Lonely'.

The Raconteurs: Acoustic 'Consolers'

Set List:
1) Old Enough
2) Top Yourself
3) These Stones Will Shout

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Broken Boy Soldiers   Consolers Of The Lonely
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Check tour dates for The Raconteurs

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 2:07pm EST

I came across this really amazing concert completely by accident while searching for recordings of the band the Zutons.  Instead of the Zutons I found Mark Ronson and his band teamed up with the BBC Orchestra and numerous guests for a one time engagement on the BBC series Electric Proms.  The result is a mix of familiar and not so familiar covers by a wide range of uber talented musicians. 

I recommend cranking it up on this one....

Mark Ronson and BBC Concert Orchestra - London - 10/24/07 - Audio
Mark Ronson and BBC Concert Orchestra - London - 10/24/07 - Video (partial)

1) Overture / Apply Some Pressure [Maximo Park]
2) Just [Radiohead] (with Alex Greenwald)
3) Cold Shoulder (with Adele)
4) Oh My God [Kaiser Chiefs] (with Ricky Wilson)
5) Sunny [Boney M] (with Candie Payne)
6) Back to Black [Amy Winehouse] (with Charlie Walker from Rumblestrips)
7) Our Lips Are Sealed [The Go Gos] (with Terry Hall)
8) Sail on Sailor [Beach Boys] (with Sean Lennon (Wurlitzer), Alex Greenwald, Daniel Merriweather, Stuart and Tawiah)
9) God Put A Smile Upon Your Face [Coldplay]
10) Valerie [Zutons] (with Kyle Falconer from The View)
11) Stop Me [Smiths]/ Hanging On (with Daniel Merriweather)
12) We Can Work It Out [Beatles] (with Daniel Merriweather, Tawiah and Sean Lennon)

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 10:40pm EST