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February 2008
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Background music for this podcast provided courtesy of the Charlie Hunter Trio and Ropeadope Records

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Charlie Hunter Trio
Cueball Bobbin

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The featured concert for this episode brings a slightly heavier tone to the LMP than my previous shows. Last year marked the return of a one of the greatest bands in the alternative rock scene. On May 22nd, 2007 the Smashing Pumpkins returned to a stage in Paris after more than a six year hiatus. Original band members Billy Corgan and Jimmy Chamberlain proved throughout that 2007 tour that they still could rock a live show just as they had in their earlier days.

The concert that I selected from the year of the Pumpkin's reunion was taped in Normal, Illinois on October 4th. Part of the reason I liked this recording was the great sound quality but also because of it's proximity to the Pumpkin's old stomping grounds in Chicago. Due to it's location and the time of year, in the recording you can hear the crowd chanting in support of the Chicago Cubs. It turns out that they were playing game 2 of the National League Divisional playoffs that same night which would make a very difficult decision for any fan of the band and the team. Also, a quick warning to St Louis Cardinal fans out there that if you decide to listen to the full concert Billy Corgan has a few unkind words to say about your team. I choose to stay neutral on this and leave this part out of the podcast but the rest of the show is a solid listen no matter which team you root for.

Follow the link below to listen to the full concert
The Smashing Pumpkins - Normal, IL - 10/04/07

Source: Schoeps MK41's > Active Cables > Nbox > Tascam HDP2 > Wav @ 24/48
Taper: jcrabb66

Song listing
1) Superchrist
2) Doomsday Clock
3) Drown
4) Bullet With Butterfly Wings
5) United States
6) 1979
7) To Shiela
8) Tonight, Tonight
9) Tarantula
10) Today

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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness   Zeitgeist
  Earphoria Live
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Check tour dates for The Smashing Pumpkins

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_021.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:16pm EST

This episode features music by former Soul Coughing front man Mike Doughty during his 2000 solo tour.  I'm a pretty big fan of Mr. Doughty but I especially enjoyed this set because it is one of the most intimate recordings that I have listened to.  In a large part this is due to the venue being the Maintenance Shop in Ames, IA.  I went to college in Ames and the M-Shop, as it is known, seats only a couple hundred people.  For a personal concert setting this is great but only as long as you get tickets before they sell out.  I unfortunately found this out the hard way when Jack Johnson sold it out in under 10 minutes.

Another reason for it's intimacy is that following almost every song, Doughty is interacting with the crowd in some way.  While this might not be for everyone I think it is something that he really excels at and gives you the feeling of experiencing the concert in person. 

Follow the link below to listen to the full concert
Mike Doughty - Ames, IA - 04/28/00

Source: Sound board + Crowd Mic > Sony Tape Deck> Sound Blaster Live > Low Pass Filter > SHN
Taper: John Griswell

Song listing
1) Blue-Eyed Devil
2) Real Love
3) Rachel
4) St. Louise is Listening
5) The Idiot Kings
6) Circles
7) Soft Serve
8) Janine
9) Moon Sammy
10) Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago

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Haughty Melodic   Skittish/Rockity Roll
  Golden Delicious
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Check tour dates for Mike Doughty

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_020.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:17pm EST

There has been a few times where I have heard a new artist and immediately wanted to go see them live.  Then shortly later I find out that I had missed the tour by a couple weeks.  Well this happened about a year ago when a friend told me about someone he had been listening to named Regina Spektor. 

Fortunately I was able to make up for my lateness to Regina's music by seeing her performance at the Uptown theater in Kansas City last November.  Her singing was absolutely amazing and lived up to everything that I had been hoping for the entire year of waiting.  I had expected her vocal range to blow me away so that was no surprise, but what amazed me was how she pulls off the entire show solo.  Her talents alternate between grand piano, electric guitar, percussion, and then percussion while playing the piano.  I wouldn't be surprised if she plays piano and guitar during the next show I see.  Her lyrics are also very clever and sometimes quite funny.

The concert that I am featuring was from the same tour as the one I missed and is an excellent sounding recording.  I am very thankful to the audience in San Francisco who are for the most part unnoticeable during the songs, but definitely let Regina hear it in between.  All concerts are not the same in this respect and for the style of music that Regina plays a mellow crow really makes the concert more enjoyable for everyone. 

Follow the link below to listen to the full concert
Regina Spektor - San Francisco, CA - 05/13/06

Source: DPA 4061 > MMA6000 > SP-MICROTRACK-INTERFACE > MicroTrack2496 (TRS In @ 24-bit/48khz) Transfer: CF Reader -> PC, Adobe Audition (EQ/Volume Normalize/Resample) -> CDWave -> FLAC

Taper: Danielle Hashem (

Song listing
1) Eight Miles High
2) Baby Jesus
3) That Time
4) Apres Moi
5) Fidelity
6) Human of the Year
7) Poor Little Rich Boy
8) Us
9) Better
10) On the Radio
11) Ghost of Corporate Future
12) Samson
13) Summer in the City

Support this artist by buying CDs and watching them live!
Begin To Hope   Soviet Kitsch
  On the Radio
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Check tour dates for Regina Spektor

More live Regina....
Featured Stream #1: Regina Spektor - Washington, D.C. - 10/03/06
Regina Spektor @ Austin City Limits 2007
Regina Spektor @ Lollapalooza 2007
Regina Spektor - Live In California 2006 - EP

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_019.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:29pm EST